Well, I did it! After many suggestions and prods, I’ve actually started a blog! Me! Now, right now from the start, I’m going to put in writing that the actual possibility that I can figure this out is slim. If you’re reading this, well, I apparently hit the right button. Yay, me!
First off, I’ve got to tell you about the experience of setting up this blog. I did all kinds of internet searches looking for just the right host. (look at me. I know the lingo) I watched several tutorial videos looking for the one and only host deserving of ‘My Blog’. That was not an easy task. Finally, I picked one and started the registration process. So far, pretty easy. I had pretty much already decided on a name for my blog because most of my stories have to do with my misadventures. Be it travel, cooking………….you get the picture. So, I got to the section where I had to select my domain name. After much thought I decided on ‘hollysexcellentadventures.com’. Now, at first, I didn’t see what is already glaring at you. HOLLYSEX ! Holy crap! Delete! Delete! It won’t delete! I get a welcome email to……..yes, you guessed it, Hollysex. Good grief. Now what? Is this already out in the great WWW? What will my kids think? I’m a grandmother for heavens sake! Now, I must tell you, beside me during this whole adventure is my bestest friend, Jordan.Who at this point is laughing so hard tears are rolling down his face. He was absolutely no help at all. I try all the different tabs on my welcome hollysex page! Nothing worked! So, I broke down and called the Customer Support team that was supposedly the best. Truthfully, they were very helpful. A little giggly at times, but helpful. I got this pleasant young man on the phone and proceeded to tell him my problem. As soon as he types it in I hear a gasp and an ‘Oh, my!’. “yes”, he says. “I think you may want to change that”. Duh! ya think? As we go through this process, I can hear him giggling to himself. I bet he has a blog of his own and yours truly was one of the subjects. So, after being transferred to another department I’m told that the account is so new it’s actually not showing up on their server yet. “Could I wait a couple of hours or call back in the morning to delete this account”. What!!!!! I have to let hollysex wander around the net overnight? NOOOOOO! She’s young and inexperienced! Who knows what kind of bugs she’ll have in the morning. Oh well, nothing like real life experience to make life exciting, right? So, EARLY this morning I call back and have to listen to another young man snicker his way through my story. Finally, I get a young woman, who also snickered her way through my story, but she did DELETE my account! Thank goodness! Hollysex went softly into the night still the innocent she was.
I can hear you snickering!!!!!
OMG hilarious. Looking forward to reading this blog 🙂