Yes! The three amigos are headed to Galveston (a day early) for our Carnival Cruise. Why did we leave a day early, you ask? Well, as many of you know the Texas coast has been flooded with a ton of rain the last 4-6 weeks making traveling south a little tricky. Jordan, bless his heart has volunteered to drive on our little adventure. And, as many of you know, Jordan can be a little………….how can I put this? Ummm…..obsessive? Kind of a worry wart, really. Well, as the rains came down Jordan’s stress level went through the roof. Our cruise leaves Monday afternoon at 4, our check in time is 1. I had planned on us hitting the road at 6:30 am to head south. Now, from my house to Galveston (according to google maps) it’s a 5 hour drive, getting us into Galveston around 12. But, our pilot freaked at this! Completely freaked! I get a text informing me he had a made an executive decision and booked a hotel for Sunday night. Ok, fine. So, we head out and pick Peggy up and hit the road at 3:20. There was a little traffic but, nothing to FREAK about. With 2 stops and a little traffic, we make it to our hotel in 4 1/2 hours. Good grief. Now, to the hotel. A Howard Johnson’s. We check in and proceed to our room, passing many not so respectable groups gathered at the balcony. It’s only one night, we can do this. We open the door and are greeted by a blast of artic air. Brrrr! Little did we know, this was a preventive measure to keep the unknowns from growing to gargantuan sizes. Tentatively we set our bags down and look around. BIG MISTAKE! The comforter was covered in stains of unknown origin. Jordan starts to turn a very unattractive shade of green. He peaks at the window and floor and they’re covered with dead bugs. Now he’s starting to turn a greeny-purple shade. Hesitantly we check the bathroom. YIKES! There’s toilet paper all over the floor and the base of the toilet………..ugh! Peggy starts hugging herself, rocking back and forth,chanting……..’it’s only one night. It’s only one night’ . We try to look on the positive as we head out in search of something to eat. The car ride was very quiet. Each of us is visioning the upcoming nights sleep in this room of horrors. Jordan’s threatening to sleep standing in the corner. Peggy and I are wondering if our tetanus shots are current. We didn’t know you had to get shots to go to Galveston! This may not work out. As we sit at Chilis the situation starts to sink in and we can’t stop laughing! ! We start to wonder is you can get PTSD from a Howard Johnson’s! PTHJSD! I wonder if my insurance will cover this? But, Jordan comes to the rescue. He finds us another hotel and after we eat we head back to the Hotel of Horrors to rescue our bags. Jordan whips out his disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer to protect ourselves. As we enter we each hold our breath and scurry out as fast as possible. Now, Jordan isn’t going to sneak quietly into the night. No, sir! He struts into the office and tells the manager ‘this room is unacceptable and believe it or not, got a full refund on the room! Whew! Our new hotel really is new! It just opened a month ago and is very nice. Good save, Jordan! Now, we collapse in to our beds and wonder what adventures the next days will bring? It couldn’t get any worse! Right?
Totally funny! Way to go Jordan. I can see the 3 of you with way more adventures to come!