Jamaica Day 5

Well, surprise of surprises, I woke up in time for breakfast today all on my own! Such a big girl! Today was designated by the head honcho as BOD meeting day. We adjourn and CLIMB to the grotto after breakfast for our meeting. Thanks to the brilliant mind of my big brother, ACS is doing well. Dad would be so proud! It was pretty much business as usual, with the exception of the topic of New Business……..Holly made a motion to not to make any more of the climbing motion at next years BOD meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously! Thank goodness!
We adjourn to the water and beer! Once again, we try to mount the raft with a modicum of modesty. Some succeeded. Some went down in flames. Pretty Kitty decided it was time to relive her cowgirl days and tried to ride the raft (standing). She’s such a party girl when alcohol is involved! Let’s just say she didn’t make it to the 8 second count. But, she was saved by the lunch bell and dismounted with such grace and form. Her giggles could be heard to the tree tops as I CLIMB to lunch. Chicken with a ginger sauce and garlic pasta. Wow! We tried to get just a little more sun. Tried floating around the pool for a bit. I’m not CLIMBING down to the beach again today. I’m not! After much squealing we slowly ease into the cold water. We try to float there but Kitty starts to compare herself with floaters and it just went downhill after that. As if on cue, the Jamaican gods decided we had had enough and it started to rain. Everybody say Awwwwwww! But, it did make for a good nap!
Next, sunset and cocktails! Randy with his fancy camera is taking candid shots of his beautiful wife. I decided we need one together because our outfits are quite colorful and would look FANTASTIC together! As Randy tries to get the shot in focus, Kitty is swaying a bit. Either from the wine or trying to camouflage her wine glass. I’m not quite sure. Let’s just say it takes several shots. Yeah! We make a toast with the wise words of my brother. The head honcho. The big cheese! The all knowing, all supreme big guy………………
“This doesn’t suck!” I couldn’t have said it better.
Sunset tonight was particularly spectacular! Next, it’s lobster with curry sauce! Yumm. Then back for a rematch of Mexican train. Will Holly hold on to her run? Nope. It was a particularly peculiar round. Kitty moved to the “lucky” chair, she thought. It was amazing how many 12’s she could draw every hand. They just seem to be pulled to her hand as it’s outstretched over the dominos. She tried Paul’s famous train chant and had no luck. At one point in the game, Paul laid down the law. If anyone had any decency, at all, they would start Kitty a train and no one was allowed to play on it until Kitty had. Apparently, he has the powers of ‘the force’ with him, because no one did and Kitty had her own train! Not that it helped that much. Next, Randy got the sillies. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Randy sing to dominos before, but it was kind of like the song of the sirens, calling them to his bidding. He became quite fickle, in fact, when calling you friend or foe. You were either his best bud or a rat bastard. See. Fickle. All in all it was an entertaining round. And believe it or not, Peggy won this round! Yeah! Time for bed, because we’re getting up at 7 in the morning to go kayaking before it gets choppy. Yes, I said 7. I can do it. Honestly.

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About Holly Kiehn

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