Jamaica Day 6

We did it! Everyone was awake and ready for the morning adventure. First, I have to tell you about this crazy bug I found in our room. At first I thought there was a drip, and I got up to find it. I finally home in on the sound and see this small light flickering along the floor. I get closer and it makes this popping sound that I had originally thought was the dripping. Then, it turns on these little lights in its eyes! Headlights! Bizarre! And it jumps and makes that popping noise! Strange little critter.
Now, we head out to the calm, clear waters. Well, almost all of us. Mark couldn’t quite get his center of gravity in the right place and kept tipping over. He decided the dock was calling his name and stayed back to read the paper on Paul’s e-tablet. The rest of head out in search of goodies! It took a while but we found the starfish highway! One after the other, lined up heading either in or out. Couldn’t quite tell. But, it was cool! Peggy saw a lobster! Ohhhh, lunch! We saw lots of little fishes. Kitty saw a jellyfish! She tried to get Randy to pee on it, but it was a no go.
About 8:30, we decided it was time to head back for breakfast and BLOODY MARYS!
We had Jamaican eggs Benedict for breakfast, not bad! And now, it’s to the sunshine! Instead of CLIMBING down to the shore, we all decided to stay at the pool. Now, it’s not a big pool. If all 6 of us tried to get on floats at the same time, there wouldn’t be any water visible. Seriously. But, we strategical position ourselves for maximum exposure and alcohol proximity. We have our tunes playing in the breeze and life is good. Probably got a little too much sun, but what the hell. We go back home tomorrow and we have to have evidence of a tropical location! Now, I have to tell you about Paul’s float mishap. He was trying to get off the float gracefully, I might add. Trying, I said. As he sits up, all of a sudden the float shoots out behind him from between his legs. It looked like an explosion of gastronomical emissions! It just shot out of his ass, out of the pool, over the ledge and down the hill. It was hilarious!
Now, today for lunch Anna Kay is making more of her heavenly fried chicken! Yesssss! I gotta learn how to do that! The afternoon is a slow and lazy one. Naps with the occasional beverage thrown in to break the monotony. It’s our last night in this paradise and the staff has made an exceptional dinner for us. Lobster Curry. It could be my favorite. Wait. What am I saying?
Tonight’s round of Mexican train was another round of hilarity! And, somehow, I’m not quite sure how, but I won! Poor Kitty! One of these days we’re going to have to make some travel arrangements for her on that darned Mexican train!

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About Holly Kiehn

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