New Years Eve 2014

Once again my family and friends meet for lobster, games and mucho libations for all! We start the day with my wonderful hubby going to the Asian market in Arlington for live lobsters! Quite an experience! No English speaking people in the whole place but my sweet hubby. After standing in line for 10+ minutes he announces to the entire store, “I’ve been standing in line for 10 minutes and I don’t know what to do!”. Now I must tell you that my hubby is 6 ft 4 in tall in this Asian market. Little people duck away. Mothers shelter their children. A dark patch of hair appears at the top of the counter, a hand points toward my hubby and declares ” you next”.

As this hand starts to produce the lobsters, hubby watches as they fight amongst themselves, trying to escape to freedom. Maybe? This time… …..will……work.
Nope. They end up on ice transported to Mansfield to be part of the celebration.
We all arrive in Mansfield for the said celebration! We (Randy) let them race! Giving them false hope in dreams of a new life, in Jamaica, on a beach, maybe there’ll be rum!
But in truth, they end up in the great jacuzzi of life. It’s the bubbles that draw them in. As they hit the hot swirling water they pictures themselves with piña coladas in hammocks in the sun. Truth is, if you give them hope before you boil them…….they taste better!!
After all this preparation, cooking, boiling, you would think this would be an epicurean experience! Nope! It was hogs to a trough! Start to finish, 13 lobsters, 8 filets……. gone in 30 minutes! Carcasses everywhere! Shells and little pieces of bacon litter the paper on the table! A massacre! A crustacean massacre! Surf and turf gone horribly wrong! Actually, it was quite tasty!
Afterwards it was game time! Teams were designated. The gauntlet was thrown!
Pictionary! Now, at this time I must tell you for historical accuracy, that much alcohol was imbibed. Like you really needed that info. Let’s just say, pictionary took on a whole new life when this crew took to the boards! There was some pretty, shall we say, adult texts inferred.

Yes, it was me.

Stop snickering!

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About Holly Kiehn

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