Okay, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls! The time is upon us! In just a few hours, we’ll be jetting our way south to warm sun, sandy beaches and mucho libations for all! Did you see how I slipped in some of the lingo???? Huh? Huh? Yep, the wind is calling! And, just in time. I saw on the news that Monday it’s supposed to get very cold with freezing rain and sleet! Talk about your fortuitous departures! Now, I know you’re all rolling your eyes, groaning about being stuck here. All I can say is, I’ll drink one for each and every one of you. How’s that?
But, the BIG questions are still unanswered!
Will the airline be prepared for this group’s alcohol intake?
Will Peggy and Mark get their luggage in time?
Will there be any of those pesky sea creatures out to violate Pretty Kitty???
Those answers and more next time on………………….