I know you’re wondering why it took me so long to write about our last few days in Belize. What can I say? When something this momentous and life altering happens, it takes a great deal of reflection and thought to find the right words to describe such an event. So, here we go…..
After the previous days adventures, thank goodness we have a whole day of nothing but relaxing by the pool, sipping our beverages of choice and waiting for whatever Maria’s next culinary masterpiece might be. Yay! I’m reminded of one of Randy’s magic toasts from years past. And it sums up the day perfectly…..’This doesn’t SUCK!’. Couldn’t have said it better big bro! The sun feels great, the Pina Coladas are perfect and the company can’t be beat. What could be better I ask?
Now, being foreigners in this tropical paradise Randy, Kitty and I felt remiss in our lack of, shall we say ‘homage to the local deity’. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these three tourists went to their knees in praise of this porcelain god. Our charity in giving back was endless. And I do mean ‘endless’. Wow! Yours truly was afflicted first. And not wanting my fellow travelers to be left out of this experience, I welcomed them to join me in paying my dues to Montezuma. I gotta tell ya, after a day and half of paying, I’ve decided this little shit is vengeful, alright. Randy, bless his heart, being the overachiever he is just couldn’t leave well enough alone. Nope. At one point we were actually thinking about getting him to a doctor. From my room I could hear our fearless leader, with that booming voice that puts the fear of the Big ‘B’ in all our employees……(whimpering)…..”but, i don’t want to go a doctor here!!!!”. Personally, I couldn’t blame him. I remember our little drive through the town and seeing the local hospital and doctors offices. Nope! Not Going There!!!!! So, the three of us ‘Imodium Up’ and hope that it passes before we try to head home in the morning. Now while my little group suffers the ‘revenge’, the three amigos, Peggy, Mark and Paul are all luckily feeling fine and they get to go on the snorkeling adventure we had scheduled for all of us this afternoon. I wasn’t feeling too bad but the thought of getting in a boat and being bounced up and down didn’t sound too appealing so I stayed back with the sick group. According to them, it was Amazing! Now, while the coral wasn’t as colorful as it was in other places the fish were plentiful and huge. Paul and Mark just went on and on and on about it. Jeez, enough already! I wanted to do that! I realize they were just trying to fill me in on what I had missed. But, they seem to be taking great joy in pointing this out. Actually, they did have a 4 ft Moray Eel swimming just beneath them about 6 ft. Yikes! Have you ever seen pictures of these creatures? UGLY, Sharp Teeth! Vision of ‘THE DEEP’ flash before my eyes. After a while, they said, it started to get a little too crowded at this one spot so their guide took them to another spot to snorkel. He then presented a huge dead fish and got in the water to call up the next ‘critters’ for everyone to see. The three amigos were on the other side of the boat when these ‘critters’ came to call. Nurse Sharks. He had summoned the Nurse Sharks of the deep to come play with the three amigos. Now, personally I can not believe my sister stayed in the water for this. Not only did she stay in the water but she went on the other side of the boat, WITH THE SHARKS AND PET THEM. I used to think my big sister was a pretty intelligent gal but, I may have to rethink that. At this point I decide staying behind with the porcelain gods wasn’t so bad after all. I’ve never quite understood the fascination with swimming with sharks. I realize every time I’m in the ocean they’re probably swimming with me but, I don’t know about it! Holly doesn’t need to know these things. Paul and David swam with the sharks when we were down in the Bahamas one time. And after that experience, I really didn’t think I would have to worry about Paul making that mistake again. But, apparently I was wrong. He says it was a blast. But I think he’s NUTS. After their little excursion they all retreat to their rooms for a nap because, hey, flirting with danger (i.e. death) is exhausting. After careful consideration, I decide to move back upstairs into our room to be closer to the group. Kitty has decided she’s feeling well enough to join the others at the dinner table. Randy and I say “No, Thank You”. I’m actually feeling better but it’s that stage where you’re just not sure you want to trust the feeling. Randy on the other hand isn’t getting any better. Back up plans are starting to be made in case we can’t get him on the plane in the morning. But, luckily by morning he’s up among the living. At this point the nausea is gone but he thinks he may have done something to a rib. He’s having very sharp pains and moving and breathing are not pleasant. Now, I’ve never heard of someone that puked so hard they cracked a rib but, what do I know. This is going to be an interesting trip home.
Want to know what happens next???????
You people better start commenting on this !!! This is some funny $&@# !!