I Love Spring! I really do! I love all the budding flowers and trees, the birds that come back to my feeder and sing their glorious songs and the way everything turns green and lush almost overnight. I love those pesky April showers that bring May flowers, (except those dark ones that swirl around and make me take refuge in my spider infested storm cellar), and all that other poetic stuff. I know I said I hate Spring earlier, but that was just the congestion talking. It’s amazing how a stopped up nose can change your outlook on things. In fact, it can turn you downright crabby. Well, me at least. But, thankfully, after a trip to the doctor, a ginormous shot in the bu-ttocks and prescriptions for antibiotics and cough syrup with CODIENE, I’m a new woman. I really like cough syrup with CODIENE! And with a whiskey chaser, all is right with the world. Ahhhhh. Now, back to Spring. Spring to me is a miraculous reminder that things will get better. Really. There’s something about the season that seems to make people more cheerful. I don’t know, maybe it’s that they’re all buzzed on a sugar high from all that Easter candy. But to me, it seems, that people smile easier and have a bounce in their step when it’s spring. Maybe we’re just all so excited that the cold and ice are finally gone. But, how can we stand before it and not smile? It always puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I get this urge to throw out my arms and burst in to song. Now, I don’t really sing out loud, but in my head I’m bursting and I sound great! Yep, I’m bursting!
There is one thing about Spring that does confound me though. Since all my feathered friends returned from their southern vacation, I have this one female cardinal in particular that’s being a little, ‘birdbrained’. Now, my cardinals have always nested in the Nandinas in my breezeway. This year, this one particular female has gotten some sort of an inferiority complex going on and is attacking her reflection in the window. All day. I keep worrying she’s going to knock herself silly. And as much as she’s pecked her reflection in the glass, I’m surprised she has any beak left. Now, the bird lover in me is worried and saying ‘the poor little thing’. But the quiet reader in me is starting to have visions of wringing it’s cute little neck. How many times does it have to smash its face into a window before it finally realizes, ‘stupid me! That’s not a real bird!’ I guess that really is where the term ‘birdbrain’ comes from. Well, here’s hoping she figures it out before her beak falls off. Or some other nasty ‘twist’ of nature befalls this sweet little feathered pest. Yep, I’m bursting, all right!
“Spring is the vision of rebirth painted before our eyes. And after the cold and dark of winter, we’re reminded that all will be anew if we have the patience and faith to allow it to happen. Whether you believe it’s divine or simply the earths seasonal progression, it’s truly a beauty and wonder to behold.”
See? Even I’m getting poetic! I love Spring………..
I’m sitting here with the author of this fantastic blog !…. I think I’ll get her to sign my cocktail napkin before I leave ! 🙂 You know … Just in case !